Product introduction Memorial arch, also known as frame, frame body, hot rolling, cold rolling, rolling mill is the important part of, because of the bad mill work environment, in the process of work, roll by bearing frame arch of the larger i***ct, make the mill housing housing inside the window surface, rack bottom etc appear different degree of corrosion wear and tear, The clearance between the rolling mill stand and the roller bearing seat exceeds the specified management value. The increase of the gap between the rolling mill arch worsens the working conditions of the main drive system of the rolling mill, which makes the main drive vibrate and i***ct greatly, and the steel ingot is prone to slip when biting, which affects the control of the shape of the plate and greatly affects the quality of the product. Highlight the advantages of 1. Henan Qianjin Heavy Industry adopts Huashu CAE casting simulation software to conduct solidification simulation, analysis and demonstration on the memorial arch according to the initial process, and complete optimization of the casting process to ensure that the rolling mill memorial arch has no shrinkage cavity, no shrinkage porosity, co***ct structure and good comprehensive mechanical properties; 2. Henan Qianjin Heavy Industry adopts metamorphic treatment and argon gas blowing technology at the bottom of ladle to strictly control the quality of liquid steel, reduce the content of gas and harmful elements in liquid steel, improve the purity of liquid steel, so as to ensure the quality of rolling mill arch; 3. Henan Qianjin Heavy Industry adopts special heat treatment, which greatly enhances the wear resistance and i***ct resistance of rolling mill memorial arch, and prolonging the service life of rolling mill memorial arch; 4. Henan Qianjin Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. has strong production strength of steel casting parts, which can produce and process large quantities of parts such as rolling mill arch, with short casting cycle and large output; |